Thursday, November 16, 2006

This website has just been drawn to my attention.

It is a stark reminder of the cruel and evil folly of our leaders' pride.


Blogger Vigilante said...


November 18, 2006  
Blogger J.C. said...

Hi , Pangloss

Are we going to get out of Iraq.? Dream on as they say.
Not until there is a way to force Iraq to use its now limited oil supply to finance the reconstruction of Iraq.
The oil has to be kept off the world market , at any cost if B.P. and companies ( British Petroleum ) are to maintain their strangle hold on the energy markets of the world.
Iraq can sink Saudi oil as well as the other producers.
The worlds third largest oil producer the U.S. exports 30% of its production of oil. It is purchased at a premium price , as it is indeed sweet crude .
Saudi , Russia, and the U.S.A. have the biggest interest in keeping Iraqi oil off the world markets.

If Iraqi oil was on the market today the price of crude would be about $26 a barrel . If Iraq was to pump 50% of its capacity and put it on the world market , oil prices today would be in the $12 to $14 dollar range.
The world stays in Iraq to prevent Iraq from moving their oil from the wells to the worlds oil pool.

So , folks its only another scam brought to you by the price system.
For interesting info on the underpinnings of the system we live in explore the Technocracy Movement.

The figures here above were provided by Dean Cameron a member of the Technocracy movement.

Pangloss , I love that name. Where does it come from.?
Thanks for visiting my site , I don`t much post there , it is mostly a bill board to direct people to technocracy sites and issues.

November 19, 2006  
Blogger Etzel Pangloss said...

I appologise for not replying but i'm rubbish with computers and yes I thought i'd turned comment moderation off.

Pangloss was the ultimate optimist in Voltaires Candide. "This is the best of all possible worlds" (and therefore also the ultimate pessimist). He was a great thinker.

December 11, 2006  

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