"Who will rid me of this turbulent Princess?"Princess Diana was a loose cannon whom had completed her duty with two healthy Princes.
After years of inquiry into her death, ....the conclusion was given to the world...
"It was the Queen what done it".
..Only kidding, of course it was a cockup by a drunk. As if any other conclusion was possible.
What made yesterday such 'fun' was the Governments ditch all bad news now attitude.
We had Honest Tony questioned by the police.
The news tha 2500 Post Offices will be closed.
The extention of two airport runways.
And my favourite: the end of the enquiry into the bribes, sorry commisions to people to gain the right to sell death machines to the wonderful country of Saudi Arabia.
So, no conspiracies, just cockups and coincidences, and a few content important people.